Friday, January 21, 2011

We're Excited to Begin the Christian Classes Next Week

We had a good team meeting with Stephen & Vita last night. Ordinarily we meet at our apartment in Uzhgorod and afterward we take them home. Since they have just received their son Timothy they are mostly staying inside. So, we cooked and took everything to their home at Kamyanitza and there ate, prayed, and discussed ministry business for the coming days, weeks, and months. Among the many activities we are planning are the classes we will be ministering through on two different levels. We will be working with three students in our apartment on an official college level of education. They will be working on the classes "Christian Ethics," and "Wisdom Literature." Then, we will be teaching a group of 8-12 eager students in the village. Mostly these are young people from 16-24, but Stephen had told me there might also be several adults come to see what might interest them. Because I do not know the level of Christian experience, nor their aptitude for learning, I am offering a basic, introduction in Christian studies. I term the class "Practical Christianity" and am adapting it from the class I taught at Kiev Wesley Bible College. I will essentially teach the students the material that I normally do with the college class and require of them the normal learning experiences of reading, writing, etc. So, we are anxious to see how God will use all this to help His people and advance the ministry here.
We are excited by this ministry opportunity, but also challenged. We have very little to work with. No desks, chairs or any classroom supplies. We have no library, which is a real crisis. But we feel like God is moving us toward this direction, essentially because the folk here are asking for this ministry. That is refreshingly positive.

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