We traveled to Perechin and met with the youth there as we would usually do on any Saturday. Realizing that it was a holiday we knew that we risked being there and having no children come. We did not have as many, which was expected, but we were delighted to have six children and youth come. We carried on the service as usual and had a great time. During the youth time there was a distraction, but it was a good distraction because it had to do with some good questions. The youth were asking about horoscopes and like false prophets. The discussion moved along and included superstitions, etc. We are delighted that our youth are asking serious questions which we can refer them to the truth in God's Word instead of things they hear out in the community.
Our ministry time was a blessing as usual, but it was a tricky time getting home as it had gotten dark and there was freezing rain. But our safe arrival home was credited to God's abiding grace.
Stephen (Stopia) leading the Youth Service |
Youth asking about Superstitions, etc. |
you must have knocked on wood before you headed home in the ice.