Children in Ukraine experience quite an extensive holiday period, but not always with the long school break that many students in America enjoy. Children will enjoy some toys on Dec. 18-19 as Saint Nicholas comes and then many Christian families will observe Christmas on Dec. 25th. But it is observed with far less festivities and presents than in Western Europe and America. Most Ukrainian children celebrate Christmas with more festivity on January 7th, a shift of date from the traditional date of Dec. 25 by the former Soviet government. Within the holiday period is New Year's, which might be considered the most celebrated occasion. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol is a huge part of the celebrated holiday experiences.
Below are photos of children enjoying the winter season. Both pictures were taken in the village of Kamyanitza at the school and on a street where the children have made a tradition of packing the snow on the street to ice and making a downhill ice slide. It was tempting to try. We are told that drivers are pretty angry at the children because, as you may see, the ice makes the uphill street pretty slick!
Merry Christmas!
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