Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week # 8 Practical Christianity at Kamyaniza

What a transition the season has made since we began this class eight weeks ago. We remember traveling out to Kamyanitza from Uzhgorod when the roads were frozen and the countryside was a pristine white. Yesterday evening, however, it was in the upper fifties and raining heavily.
The class was not as well attended last evening, perhaps due to the heavy rain and that some may have had to work. Two of the older ladies who come regularly to listen were not there, and also three other youth girls who are involved significantly in the studies were not present. The brother of one of the girls explained that his sister had to work.
We covered topics about conscience and discipline last evening. We developed the idea that the conscience is the inner being, or the inmost soul of the person. It may be regularly defined and qualified in the epistles of Paul particularly. Paul talks about a pure and a good conscience, but also a guilty and a seared conscience. In John 1:9 there is the development that the Light (referring to Jesus) is the Truth that enlightens every man's heart. It is understood that was is being revealed to man is the truth, but more significantly is that it must imply that this means of revelation must be through what we understand as the human conscience. It is the conscience of man that is at least a part of that being in us which may be termed the heart. Here it is where God has printed His witness to morality, holiness--His image. Though it is radically alien to Him, it is here where we might say that grace can go before grace.
We also began a section on the disciplines of the Christian and why they are important for development.

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