Saturday, January 8, 2011

Perechin Ground Level-January 8, 2011

Just trying to keep you informed with visual aids what Perechin looks like, whether on good days or bad. Here is a photo made today which is exactly at the center of Perechin. All towns and villages have a center where official business occurs and there is a place for meetings and usually some kind of a park. In the photo at right you can see a billboard presenting Ukrainian President Victor Yanokovick offering a holiday wish for New Year's and Christmas. In the center of the photo is the town Christmas tree and in the foreground before the tree is an Orthodox monument with Jesus on a cross. You may note that the picture looks hazy, but that is just because of the thick fog that existed today.
Perechin, Ukraine town center


  1. Thinking of you all today! I hope today is a blessed day for you and God is very near! Jimmy, Carla, Luke and Ella Salisbury

  2. we adopted our daughter from Perechin just last September.

    1. we wondered if they got snow..we were there when it was very warm. we stayed at the motel behind the grocery store walked everyday to the internat.
